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Morning - Poemas de Alessandro Stavoli

Poemas » alessandro stavoli » morning

Poema publicado el 30 de Noviembre de 2009

The silence of the morning,
The sound of a new beginning,
As the infant begins his daily routine,
And the man sits in silence reviewing the events of the days past,
As the mother watches her children wake,
Reminding her of their infancy,
As the new day comes,
The hardships of the past begin to vanish,
The suns rapid rise bringing the promise of a new day,
Ending the pain and suffering of the night,
for there is hope in the horizon,
the sun continues to rise letting go of the burrows of sadness and failure as a new path begins,
the promising rays of sunlight that break through the window,
the incessant beep of the alarm clock,
reminding of what lies ahead,
for the day has come.

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