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Here is to edward - Poemas de Tafnes

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Here is to edward
Poema publicado el 01 de Febrero de 2009

I hope you are ok and wanted you to know I only wish the best of you and do not talk anything against you because I was with you at a time and IF I talked of you it is like looking in a mirror a reflection... I will always remember you as my first love and a great friend I know you have it on your heart you might be slightly denialing because you have so much anger inside you that you have to feel you are very important to many people (women)(so called friends) for you to at least smile because some of the most important things to you have been taken away from you and I understand that because I have lived some of those things we need to be satisfied... you have also believed in people that have failed you including me but it may be too late to say i am sorry though my life has changed for the best.. And I know how it feels to glorish your father and he let a big hole in your soul and you resent that... and you always desired to be what your father was for you and your son in a way was taken from you and my son was taken away from me not letting me a chance to be what my mother and family never gave me because there are things you might ignore I know life is hard unfortunately for us the young maybe too young to have lived so much pain and that we are closed to some windows that we think if opened a swift of harm can let us down again.. I will always be here for you even if you are not!

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