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Declaring my love for you - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » declaring my love for you

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Declaring my love for you
Poema publicado el 24 de Mayo de 2017

When I met you I felt a great emotion,
l felt the wonder of life arround me,
l felt an arrow of love crossing my
lonely heart.

You are the dreamed woman I've always
been looking for. Your endless beauty
inspire a great happiness that overcomes
me and make me feel the happy man I've
always wanted to be.

Please, be my girlfriend, be my woman.
If you say yes I promise you a tender
love that will never let you Down.

Since I saw the magic bright of Your
eyes, my life change in a special way.
You have the magic that inspire me every
single day.

Please, Give me a chance to show you how much
I love you.

I never thought that l would find someone
as weet, as lovely and so tender as you.

You have made me fall in love with you so
deeply. Give me your heart to care for it,
let me touch the lips l have been dreaming
to kiss.

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