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l admire that woman - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » l admire that woman

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
l admire that woman
Poema publicado el 19 de Octubre de 2016

l know a woman who always keeps a sweet smile.
Her beauty sparkle like a bright blue star in the sky.

She has the grace, magic, and charm that one would admire.
l call her my angel because is just pure love what she inspires.
She is a sould sister that l can always count on, she is never wrong

Her beauty inspire me every day of my life.

Her attractive smile shines like the morning sun in the sky.
She has such as sweet heart, wisdom, and touching soul that cares for me at all.

She is so spiritual, so connected with her heart, she even heal by just sharing  a sweet smile.

The woman l admire has been always going through challenges in this life time. She is strong, she has courage and a bright mind.

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