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L want to find love again - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » l want to find love again

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
L want to find love again
Poema publicado el 23 de Febrero de 2017

Oh God, help me now, give me one more chance to find love.
I'm so afraid to love, so scare to open my broken heart again.

Lord, please send the angel of love
to take away my fears and pains.

l don´t want more running
from reality. l need your light
come back again in my teary eyes.

l have been running away from love,
day after day, in every way.
l was so scared of love everytime
someone says "I love you".

Sometimes when love was near l felt so prisoner of my fears.

Dear God, help me to heal this pain.
l have this hole in my heart, so hard to sustain.
So help me to find the way to love again!.

All rights.

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