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Norwegian lady - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » norwegian lady

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Norwegian lady
Poema publicado el 08 de Marzo de 2016

l met a lady with eyes brighter than the stars.
l believe there are not so many women like her.
l looked deeper in those beautiful eyes that
seduced me for a little while. 

For a moment l feel myself in a paradise.
The lady radiated so much light when she gave me a
a shy smile. l just felt such as tender and sweet
vibration coming from her bright eyes. She had
a brilliant golden skin l`ve never seen

A wonderful sensation reached my heart at
the magic moment we shaked hands.
It was such as tender and spiritual touch 
l feelt deep in my heart
l experienced a moment of truly beauty, of truly
love, calm and glory. My heart was full of joy and
endless  emotions. She was a soul dancing in the
sunshine and spreading light.

Norwegian lady of shy and beautiful smile.
Your angel beauty took my breath away, and now
l`m loving you so much today.

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