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When l felt in love with you - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » when l felt in love with you

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
When l felt in love with you
Poema publicado el 02 de Septiembre de 2018

Once upon a time,
I met a woman who stole my heart
I felt myself like living emotions
from previous lives.

It became hard to pretend
that we could merely just be friends
after that exiting Merengue Dance
in a place of coconut palms.

When I looked into her eyes
l experienced heaven for a litlle while.
l felt she was the woman of my life.

One day it surely seemed
that this was always what
we've dreamed and somewhere
deep inside we could no longer hide.

It started with a Dance 
which was definitely a bliss.

When her arms were around me,
holding me tight, l felt myself
flying so hight in the sky.

We carried on this way
until the day I told her how I felt.

Through inspired letters
l expressed my feelings to her,
l told her that my heart would melt.

The woman of my dreams opened up in me
another side I couldn't see.

One lucky day l made her mine, because
I was decided not to wait more in line.

I'll love you forever, because
the time is now or never.

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