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You lift me up with your tender love - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » you lift me up with your tender love

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
You lift me up with your tender love
Poema publicado el 18 de Junio de 2015

You lift me up with your tender love
Your love feeds my spirit every day

But when I feel like down you keep
holding me with your careness.

You lift me up when I`am weak.
Your arms wrap around me in
good and bad times.

Your tenderness heal me and  carries
me wherever l go.

When I have felt there is no hopes,
when my emty soul doesn`t smile,
you have been there right by my side.

When I felt weak you gave me
de elixir of love l need.
l feel your love so deep
l feel you so deep.

With your love l feel so fullfiled.
Your love is my sweet posession.

Thank you for lifting me up with your love!

Efrain Navarro
All rights reserved

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