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Un fans enamorado (dedicated to anna tsuchiya) - Poemas de Leonardo Saveheart

Poemas » leonardo saveheart » un fans enamorado (dedicated to anna tsuchiya)

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Un fans enamorado (dedicated to anna tsuchiya)
Poema publicado el 27 de Marzo de 2012

How many emotions
And feelings
By the look and listen
I can give ...
But do not know I exist
And you're a dream
That will give me his life never rise.
I hechizaste
And my mind can take you
A curse that never end
At least, that your side can be
Wishful thinking ...
That reality does not serve me
Just accept that I am one more
But I still want you to know
With these crazy eyes and love
I will always admire

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