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Poem: i believe in you. - Poemas de Nelson A. Encarnación-poeta

Poemas » nelson a encarnacion poeta » poem: i believe in you

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Poem: i believe in you.
Poema publicado el 05 de Mayo de 2011

Poem: I believe in you.

My love, I believe in you
In your heart,
In your soul, that I want for me.

In your body,
Without doubt, I miss you,
as raindrops
slowly falling down on me.

In your eyes,
that makes me nervous,
You're beautiful spring,
I tremble for you, and I'm anxious.

I believe in your heart,
Like I know you all my life,
Because I love you,
And I want you to be mine.

I also want you to believe in me,
I will protect you,
Take care of you with my heart,
because everything I have I want to give.

I want you to love me slowly.
No hurry, we create for each other.
That never again passes a night alone.
And with my body as cover.

Escritor: Nelson Encarnación

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