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Angela vegas - Poemas de Juan José De Celis

Poemas » juan jose de celis » angela vegas

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Angela vegas
Poema publicado el 10 de Enero de 2011

Sunshine comes when your eyes rise.
With light blue of sky...as cute diamonds.
Like the image of a sweet cat....or looking the sea
from malibu.......while your dawn hair moves on.

To your smile rainbow appears and soon moon and stars
beyond the horizon to see the sweetness and delights of your lips
in a kiss.

White skin dresses your body... just as silk!
Best one ever seen over the clouds in heaven,
over the roads on earth...to Las Vegas.
Master work of nature,
soft as perfumed air.

Your Beauty has the limits of birds flying..quite a lady.
So charming!!and fairness good hearted.COPYRIGHT2011.Juan José de Celis

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