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Between emotion and material - Poemas de Juan José De Celis

Poemas » juan jose de celis » between emotion and material

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Between emotion and material
Poema publicado el 04 de Julio de 2011

Between emotion and material is our lives.
From the abstract to solid i always see your eyes,beyond horizon,
as blue sky.
And in the darkness of my heart you are mine as those stars far away
but so bright.

Emotion when i see you coming back is in motion,
and as those birds, starts to fly so high and words go away
in silence to enjoy your magical voice while ears dance my beautiful
song and my eyes dive in yours..... deeper and deeper with passion of love

Material is not for ever but my emotion of some memories.
Material is that which time can steal and my soul saves emotions
for ever as your sweet lips

Emotion is eternal as a memory and your body only for life,
Emotion is energy there in your spirit when you look my eyes!!
COPYRIGHT2011-Juan José de Celis

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