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Lady bow - Poemas de Juan José De Celis

Poemas » juan jose de celis » lady bow

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Lady bow
Poema publicado el 25 de Febrero de 2011

How many months a year....
How many days a month....
How many hours a day...
I will miss your eyes.....?

If you go with my heart......
and leave me lonely in the nights....

It  is a sorts of magic ....
when I kiss your lips...
Amazing if i feel your silk
that ..........you call skin!!

Lady Bow in the woods
at night, with pink moods

Melody with candles
..........burning lights
turn on my song,
wonderful sounds your voice
and without brakes your perfume smells
After midnight while the moom
walks the heaven.............

In Nottingham you give me
a litlle thing...and your arrow
breaks my heart.........
My darling just be mine...
Till the end of time.Copyright2011.Juan José de Celis

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