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Poem for catherine: - Poemas de Juan José De Celis

Poemas » juan jose de celis » poem for catherine:

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Poem for catherine:
Poema publicado el 13 de Junio de 2011

There was a girl from Reading
playing in the greens of England.
That Duchess of Cambridge one day
would be....with such angel face of Chapel Row,
when the Queen was Elizabeth.
Born on the days before those of Argentina´s

With the beauty of heaven married to
William...one day of April
One day of glory,
One day of loving ...surprised her eyes of grey
emeralds as london sky!!
There in Westminster with fanfare of trumpets
and then in the streets smiles and banners
greeted her path as a lady Diana!!
Becoming a hope in the heart of Britannia!!

As her eyes rise fade the flowers of Belgravia
As a kind of magic...come true alll the dreams
imagination can ´t reach.
Catherine the kate .....future Queen of Britannia.
COPYRIGHT2011-Juan José de Celis

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