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West-end girl: - Poemas de Juan José De Celis

Poemas » juan jose de celis » west end girl:

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
West-end girl:
Poema publicado el 18 de Mayo de 2011

In Trafalgar Square once i was,
with umbrella in hand,
Looking the clouds,expecting the rain!!

But by chance a red double decker
passed by....
And saw drops to fall outside,
from a seat thru glass ...
There close to White hall.

Wind blows and rain goes away...
Towards Spain.
And a romantic -voice woman said:
In april days it always rains.

In spite of clouds her glance gave me
sunshine ,although blue-coloured as the sky of Argentina.
And after the ride,in a pub,we kissed each other.

She´s the girl on the movies,she is great !!
Her eyes diamonds and perfumed like roses
of Kensington for lady Diana.

It was late for drinks and good break for more,
in a place  of Belgravia.
Far away in UK,this was the last time i saw
love at dawn from that girl of West -end,
looking for fun without fiance.

She said hello and I bye,leaving back her London.
I would like to come back just to see,once again,
those eyes of blue sky.....and say: you broke my heart..in the night the clouds said ...love me!!Copyright 2011-Juan José de Celis

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