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Your melancholy - Poemas de Juan José De Celis

Poemas » juan jose de celis » your melancholy

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Your melancholy
Poema publicado el 30 de Marzo de 2011

The great with souveniers is they gave us back some happiness left in the past..
And for a moment we are there again to enjoy that!

Like i remember you everytime i read  the words you wrote .....in those letters of yours..
After days of love.

Our souls are built over that and our spirit grows for more,
Strong as steel in a storm of tears..
as rains.

In the life box we can find all,cloudy days or pleasant dreams,but the best is your days to come.
And today was great with your smile ....

Walking all day behind your beauty of no limits,when rainbow made me forget
the rain in your eyes, although perhaps tomorrow more clouds to come!!

Just look for that makes happy your heart such as a love message for good
Dawns and sunsets,days and years... no clock will affect your lovely moods of charming melodies in your many more years to come.

Don´t get angry with the path of time or what has gone with the wind in your cute days.. just because God has put a lot of gifts into your wonderful bag,

That amazing beauty has multiplied over time to become a wonder of human being that makes roses be unnoticed in the garden of life, just watching your heavenly eyes of blue sky.
Juan José de Celis Copyright2011

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