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Poem: like an angel voices - Poemas de Nelson A. Encarnación-poeta

Poemas » nelson a encarnacion poeta » poem: like an angel voices

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
Poem: like an angel voices
Poema publicado el 22 de Junio de 2011

Poem: like an angel voices

Looking at the fields
Hearing the birds
telling me what I feel
all the time, like today

Your sound captivates me
as the song of birds
Show that you are divine
we a soft noise.

The birds Obey
and you because want to do it,
who hears you do not deserve
I want your heart today

Getting to the third heaven
with your divine voice
I want to have you angel
and telling you of my love.

Just as you are
my heart you're having
for you beautiful voice
I wan to fill you with flowers.

So I told you,
Today is my love
I dream of you again,
With your body and your eyes
like a angel voices.

Writer, Nelson Encarnación

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