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You are my inspiration - Poemas de Efrain Navarro

Poemas » efrain navarro » you are my inspiration

Categoría: Poemas de Amor
You are my inspiration
Poema publicado el 24 de Marzo de 2017

You inspire the sunshine and rainbows
when my days are greys.

You seems to know me well, and when
l feel down you lift my spirit with your tender vibrations,
you give joy to my soul just with a spiritual touch and good

We have so special spiritual connexion!

Your sweetness inspire me to care for you, to keep you going to a safe shelter, to a safe harbor from the storms of life.

You inspire me day and night, you are my greatest hope in this life time.
You are my inspiration for today and tomorrow.  You are my true love from after and before, my guidance for what's wrong and whats right. You are my everything!.

Magic lady, I feel a desire to hug you, to kiss you and tell you sweetly, " that l feel so in love with the lovely soul you are!

You are the love that gives me faith.
You are my forever.

All rights reserved.

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